What does the Quran say about time and human?
Time & human are both mysterious manifestations. The Quran defines human as a keen and deep look directed towards his/her self ego and states that, by time, human is in loss, given only a few exceptions.

One should recall the Asr Chapter of the Quran. This brief chapter reminds us that, by time, human is in loss. The only exceptions are given for those who are faithful, who do good deeds and who suggest each other truth and patience.
In addition, the Quran gives various expressions implying that time is relative (Read Kehf / Cave Chapter) and subjective to the observer. In Kehf Chapter the seven sleepers story is told and their time jump of 300 plus 9 years is mentioned. The story also draws attention that during sleep although time flows, it is as if time stops for the sleeper. In the Quran, human as a conscious being is commanded to be an observer, a witness. Accordingly, the Quran introduces us the greatest observer, the greatest witness as Allah.
The Quran describes Allah as never getting tired and never sleeping. It is analogous to the autonomous nervous system, which never goes inactive, even while we sleep. During sleep, the autonomous nervous system works and administers the functioning of the organs.
However, there is another interesting fact: the brain is not under the control of the autonomous nervous system! The brain is under no nervous system's control! It is "miraculously" controlled by itself!
Let us ask this question about our brain to ChatGPT!
The brain itself is part of the central nervous system, which also includes the spinal cord. The central nervous system processes and coordinates information from the body's sensory organs and controls voluntary and involuntary movements.
In addition to the central nervous system, the brain communicates with the rest of the body through the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is divided into two parts: the somatic nervous system, which controls voluntary movements and senses, and the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary functions such as heartbeat and digestion.
The autonomic nervous system is further divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which work together to maintain a balance of physiological processes in the body. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for "fight or flight" responses to stress, while the parasympathetic nervous system promotes "rest and digest" responses to relaxation.
So, to summarize, the brain is part of the central nervous system, but it communicates with the rest of the body through multiple nervous systems, including the peripheral nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
Let us also remember the following: our subconscious is always active. In sleep we can establish an interesting connection with this subconscious and with some higher realms through that. When we are in sleep and while we are dreaming, time seems to not exist and stories that seem to take very long times in the dream actually happen only in seconds.
Let us check ChatGPT's answer about duration of dreams:
During REM sleep, the brain is highly active and appears to be processing and consolidating memories and emotions. This may explain why dreams can feel so vivid and often involve experiences or emotions from the previous day.
Dreams themselves can also vary in length. Some dreams may only last a few seconds, while others may feel like they go on for much longer. However, it's worth noting that our perception of time can be distorted in dreams, so it can be difficult to accurately gauge how long a dream actually lasted.
Overall, the duration of dreams can vary widely, but they tend to occur during REM sleep, which typically makes up a significant portion of our nightly sleep cycle.
Regarding the definition of human, the Quran provides a very beautiful verse:
The truth is that human is a keen and deep look directed towards his/her self ego; although s/he divulges all of his/her excuses.
Kıyamet Chapter, 14-15. verses
Let us continue our experimentation and ask ChatGPT. Our main question, "What does Quran state about time and human?"
The answer given by ChatGPT:
Time is a creation of God and has a predetermined end.
Say: 'He who created you in the first place will bring you back to life. This is the One who has control over all things.'
Quran 34:11
Human beings have a limited amount of time on earth, and their ultimate goal should be to use that time to serve God and do good.
By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patient struggle.
Quran 103:1-3
The passage of time is a reminder of God's power and majesty.
Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are signs for people of understanding.
Quran 3:190
The Quran also reminds believers to use their time wisely and not to waste it on frivolous pursuits.
O you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. And whoever does that - then those are the losers.
Quran 63:9
Overall, the Quran emphasizes the importance of time as a finite resource that should be used for the betterment of oneself and society, and as a reminder of God's power and ultimate control over all things.