Language of the Quran

Let's address two most frequently asked questions about reading the Quran.
1- Can I read the Quran in any language I want?
2- Does the Quran command reading it only in Arabic?
On the contrary, the Quran states that the main purpose of reading is to understand the message. The Quran commands reading to understand and by thinking deeply on the message.
Certainly, one should find a good and correct translation. It should not have any additions or omissions. Keep in mind that the vocabulary of the times when the Quran was revealed also has some significance.
For example, “darkness” (Ar. “zulmet”) also means ignorance. To find these meanings, please refer to the work “el-Mufredat” from Ragib el-Isfahanî, the great scholar of the Quran language. It’s an important dictionary.

Quran calls to read it in “tedebbur”, that is to read to understand by thinking deeply. That’s another reason why the Quran commanded God’s Messenger Muhammed to read it during nights.
The Quran’s aim is to make it easier to read it. Moreover, the Quran states “Therefore, read whatever comes easy from the Quran”.
Look what the Quran states:
Have no doubt, your Lord knows your circumstance. You spend less than two thirds, half, one third of the night awake. So do a group together with you. Allah has bound both day and night to measure. It knew that you could not surround it so ordained you to repent. Therefore, read whatever comes easy from the Quran. It knew there would be sick among you. It knew that some would wander the earth and ask from Allah's grace, some others would fight in the way of Allah. Therefore, read whatever comes easy from the Quran! Perform prayer! Give alms. Lend to Allah with a beautiful lending. In the presence of Allah, you will benefit more of your good deeds sent in advance for your self egos and you will find its award bigger. Ask pardon from Allah. Undoubtedly, Allah is very forgiving, very protective.
Müzemmil Chapter, 20. Verse
In addition, there is a veryu interesting truth. According to the Quran itself, the Quran is not only in Arabic!
The Quran is the message. It is not letters or pages or languages. Look at the following.
Undoubtedly, this Quran exists in the first pages; the pages of Abraham and Moses.
A'lâ Chapter, Verses 18-19
Shuara Chapter, Verse 196
While these obvious verses exist in the Quran, whomever claims that the Quran can only be read in Arabic is trying to deceive people. Deceiving is an important characteristic of Satan.
3- Why is the Quran revealed in Arabic?
One should approach the question/problem in a few perspectives given by the Quran itself:
We made it an Arabic Quran so that you could understand.
Zuhruf Chapter, Verse 3
1- The Quran teaches us Din-ül Hakk. Din-ül Hakk, which means God’s Religion, or the Creation Religion, or the Cosmic Religion. It’s called Islam and it did not start with Gd's Messenger Muhammed. 25 prophets are mentioned in the Quran and they all had vairous languages. Moreover, the Quran clearly states all societies were sent prophets and/or warners and they naturally spoke with their own societies’ languages. The Quran also clearly states that the societies that are not warned before would not be punished. Otherwise that would be tyrannical/oppressive/ignorant. Certainly, Allah is far and absolutely refined from all those. So, one could consider the manifestation of the Creation Religion, Islam as only an evolved and matured version of the same message and principles of Din-ül Hakk, the Cosmic Religion, Islam.
2- The Quran clearly states that “this Quran absolutely existed in the pages of the books of the previous”. Such a verse clearly tells us that the Quran is not the apparent book in Arabic but the meaning or message in it, because the books of the previous were in other languages.
3- The Quran clearly states that this Quran is revealed in Arabic so that it could be understood and in order to make tyrants fear and make people who do beautiful and good deeds to feel relieved. The purpose is to understand the message by thinking deeply on it. In the Quran, Allah commands the prophet, the last messenger, Hz. Muhammed to read the Quran by thinking deeply on it during some part of the night. Also Yunus Surah 100. verse states “Allah descends dirt on those who do not think / do not use their rational mind and logic”.
4- The Quran message is revealed to all humanity. The addressee of the message is clearly stated in the Quran as “all conscious beings”. That includes all human beings and all other conscious beings in the universe.
5- The Quran does not assign very positive meanings to the Arabs. In fact almost all references to the Arabs in the Quran have negative associations.
6- The Quran message, that is the Cosmic Religion, or Islam does not belong to any country, nation, linguistic group, geography or tribe. Tribalism is rejected by the Quran. Those who want to use any religion for political benefits to deceive people are condemned by the Quran. Supporting political religion leads to racism and that is a crime against humanity. Having an ID card that reads “muslim” is NOT a credible or sufficient evidence in the presence of Allah. The Quran clearly states there are believer brothers of muslims among Christins, Jews and others. ID cards and borders are only political constructs. The definition of muslim is given in the Quran. A muslim is someone who satisfies the following three conditions: believes only in Allah, believes in afterlife and does beautiful and good deeds for peace. This is the Quran’s definition of muslim.
7- One should read history of Islam and see that 30 years after Hz. Muhammed’s death, the people against whom Hz. Muhammed and first believers fought took over the state and degenerated the religious life by replacing Islam in the Quran by Arabic traditions and customs. The so called Islam as we see today in the world is not Islam in the Quran but some outdated stubborn continuation of Arabic traditions including those from even polytheist periods. Just like Pavlus covered Jesus Christ’s message and Cosmic Religion’s message to fabricate his own political religion, Umayyid dynasty and some following ones did the same. The tyranny of the Umayyid Sultanate was also professed by the prophet Hz. Muhammed himself. He said that the caliphate would turn into a sultanate of outrageous tyrants after 30 years. History proved that to be true. The Quran mentions the condemned family tree (Şecere-i Melune, Lanetlenen Soy). That is not a blood family tree but a family tree of mentality. It is metaphysically led by the Satan. Physical representations of it on earth are representatives of political religion. One of their primary argument is to put linguistic barrier to the message and to prevent people from learning the truth in their mother tongues. Such examples are the Vatican Sultanate in Europe and Umayyid Caliphate in the East. Caliphate tyranny Hz. Muhammed Mustafa pointed out lasted for about 1300 years until another Mustafa, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk overthrew it by leading the Turkish Revolution and return to Quran movement reminding us the Cosmic Religion, Islam in the Quran.