What is that which Allah descended?
First and foremost Allah descended consciousness and the rational mind. The Quran forwards its readers to five main addresses. These are referred to as what Allah descended.
First and foremost Allah descended consciousness and the rational mind. The Quran forwards its readers to five main addresses. These are referred to as what Allah descended.
Let it be an oath that We have given you the sevens from the twins/duals/binaries/nested double meanings and this great Quran. Hicr Chapter, 87. Verse Sacred texts cannot be read like reading other texts. Having claims of universality, that is being beyond time & space, sacred texts
The Quran revelation to God's Messenger Muhammed begins with the word “Read”, Arabic اقرأ. The root of the word "iqra" in Arabic is also the root of the word Quran, which literally means "that which is read". The chapters in the traditional ordering and