According to the Quran, both the accumulators of wealth and knowledge are responsible for warning their societies.
Accumulators... What is accumulation? Who are the accumulators?
Accumulators represent both of the following:
- Accumulators of knowledge
- Accumulators of wealth
First of all, we should state that the Quran, which is the liberating book, the source of liberation, has a socialist character in its nature. This means that while the Quran protects all rights of the individual, the benefit of the society comes before the boundless benefits of the individual.
Here, we must remember one of the most important concepts of the Quran: the "itidal" concept, which means moderation.
İtidal means to take the middle of the way approach in everything, without going to extremities. The language of the Quran presents the concept of itidal by drawing attention to its root A-D-L, that is, the word justice. The concept of justice (Tr. adalet), coming from the root A-D-L, means "to place things to where they belong, where they deserve". The opposite of justice is "zulüm", which means tyranny, oppression, imperialism, ignorance. "Zulüm" has three means at the same time:
- Oppression, despotism, tyranny
- Exploitation, colonialism, imperialism
- Ignorance (The word "zulmet", which comes from the same root of "zulüm" means darkness. In Quran language, darkness means ignorance.)
The Liberating Quran, miraculously declares its only and only enemy as being this "zulüm" as a concept and "zalim", as the person, who represents the three meanings mentioned above.
Untill there is no unrest and religion only belongs to Allah, fight with them. If they give up fighting, then there is no enmity other than for those who deviate to zulüm / oppression / imperialism / ignorance.
Bakara Chapter, Verse 193
The Quran neither allows enslavement of the individual for socialism, nor does it allow the sacrifice of society for the boundless desires of the individual.
With their western meaning, socialism is the enslavement of the individual upon idolization of the society; while, capitalism is the idolization of the individual by the illusion of endless freedom and sacrifice of the society for the individual's fanciful desire and self. Both of these are "zulüm" (tyranny, imperialism, ignorance).
In this regard, the Quran commands all conscious beings the following:
- To follow a middle of the way approach
- To aim for the balance point
It should never be forgotten that Islam does not propose any government systems; however, it provides its readers with the principles and values. In light of these principles and values, human societies shall determine systems and laws for themselves.
Hence, accumulators of wealth and knowledge are responsible for assisting the society to find its balance point. These are the wealthy and the scientists. Both are responsible for the society they come out of.
Weren't the ones who had word and works from previous generations supposed to prevent the earth from disorder? But other than a few of those we saved, none did that. Those who deviated to zulüm became criminals by following and being buried in their conceit of wealth. If their people had been good and peace loving, your Lord would not have destroyed those cities / civilizations by zulüm.
Hûd Chapter, Verses 116 - 117
Those who have assets, wealth and possibilities and the illuminati who have accumulation of knowledge must always warn the society. Unfortunately, other than a few, the intelligentsia in the Muslim world imprisoned the societies they came out of in darkness and ignorance for centuries by following an approach of "keeping silent" instead of facing the challenges of the creative suffering and warning their societies. Those who do their work of warning, on the other hand, were either neutralized or martyred with unbelievable acts of zulüm. One example is Ebu Zer, who was martyred by being exiled to the Rebeze desert by the caliph. Ebu Zer is one of God's Messenger Hz. Muhammed's most trusted friends and the fifth Muslim person. Another example is the Great Imam Ebû Hanîfe, who was martyred by being poisoned by both the Umayyid and Abbasid Caliphates' zulüm.
Social justice and sharing are very central concepts in the Quran. Sharing is commanded not only from wealth and riches but also from knowledge.
The Quran clearly provides the key to happiness as this sharing.
Unless you share from the things you like, you can never reach maturity in goodness / righteousness. Allah knows everything you are sharing very well.
Âl-i İmrân Chapter, Verse 92